
Short Description of Members


The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), is the main French public research institution under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. CNRS acts here in the name of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), which is a federal institute located in Paris and composed of 9 research laboratories working on global environmental and climate studies. IPSL gathers about 1000 scientists and represents more than a third of the French research potential in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Laboratories from IPSL involved in IS-ENES3 are Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat (LOCEAN), Laboratoire Atmosphère, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), the IPSL federative unit as well as personnel from the joint unit Ecce Terra (UMS Ecce Terra) working within IPSL. One of the main objectives of IPSL is to understand climate variability and change, from both natural and anthropogenic origin, at global and regional scales.

Climate modelling relies on the development of the IPSL Earth system model, which participates to the WCRP CMIP international experiments. IPSL has coordinated the IS-ENES phases 1 and 2 projects, and is involved in several European projects such as ESiWACE and CRESCENDO. CNRS was a pioneer in developing since the 1980s a numerical model of the global physical ocean taking into account the HPC issues from the very beginning. This led to the NEMO Consortium involving different research/operational oceanography centres in Europe, which join efforts for the sustainable development of NEMO ( IPSL has expertise on data and metadata and is strongly involved in the development of the international ESGF and ESDOC. CNRS with the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) have developed XIOS, a software library dedicated to efficient IO management for climate models.

Tasks assigned:

CNRS-IPSL will coordinate the project, be involved in WP2 on strategy, lead WP3/NA2 on community engagement and WP5/NA4 on networking on data and model evaluation. CNRS will also be involved in data and metadata service and developments (WP7/SA2 and WP10/JRA3), on the new community sea ice model (WP4/NA3 and WP8/JRA1), on the XIOS software (WP6/SA1 and WP8/JRA1), and on model evaluation (WP3/NA2 and WP9/JRA2).

University of Reading (UREAD-NCAS)

The University of Reading was established in 1892 and is now a world-class university with campuses in the UK and Malaysia. The proposed work will be carried out in the School for Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences, with contributions from the Department of Computer Science alongside substantial engagement from the UK National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) virtual research centre based in the Department of Meteorology.

The Department of Meteorology is the only UK university department to offer a full range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in meteorology. The department is internationally renowned for excellent research and teaching in atmospheric, oceanic and climate science. The Department of Computer Science has been recently established as part of a reorganisation of what was the School of Systems Engineering. As part of the reorganisation, and partly in response to the training and skills needs identified in IS-ENES2 and ESiWACE, the department has hired three new academics to provide the kernel for a new “Advanced Computing in Environmental Sciences” group intended to work at the intersection of Meteorology and Computer Science.

NCAS is a virtual research centre distributed amongst several UK universities and the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI). As well as world class research in climate science, atmospheric composition, and atmospheric physics, NCAS provides scientific facilities for researchers’ right across the UK to enable excellent atmospheric science on a national scale. These include a world-leading research aircraft, a ground-based instrumentation pool, access to computer models and facilities for storing and analysing petascale data (JASMIN). NCAS carries out research using its own resources and via projects such as IS-ENES3, awarded to its staff in their host institutions.

Tasks assigned:

UREAD will contribute to the project coordination, lead WP2/NA1 on governance, sustainability and innovation (including managing the project scientific officer in partnership with IPSL), contribute to the work on metadata standard and model documentation in WP3/NA2, WP7/SA2, andWP10/JRA3, provide software engineering support for technical improvements to ESMValtool in WP9/JRA2, and contribute to the development of the European Sea Ice platform in WP3/NA4 and WP8/JRA1.

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Gmbh (DKRZ), the German Climate Computing Centre, is a national service provider, providing state-of-the-art super-computing, data service and other associated services to the German and international scientific community to conduct top of the line Earth System and Climate Modelling. DKRZ operates a fully scalable supercomputing system designed for and dedicated to Earth system modelling including mass storage systems to a capacity of more than 190 PBs. It provides its more than 1000 scientific users with the technical infrastructure needed for the processing and analysis of huge amounts of data from climate simulations, also covering training and support for related application software and data processing. DKRZ participates in numerous national and international projects aiming to improve the research infrastructure for climate modelling. It is partner in ENES (European Network for Earth System Modelling) and is one the representatives of the Earth system research community in the EUDAT project. DKRZ is operating with its ICSU World Data Center Climate (WDCC) a community specific long-term data archive. Connected with its WDCC DKRZ provides best practise examples in scientific data life cycle management for the Earth system research community (federated data infrastructures, long-term archiving service, grid-based data processing workflows). Through its research group on scientific computing DKRZ is linked to the Department of Informatics of the University of Hamburg.

Tasks assigned:

DKRZ will lead WP7/SA2 on data and compute services, co-lead WP2/NA1 on governance, sustainability and innovation and is leading the IS-ENES data task force in this context. DKRZ will be involved in community engagement and networking on data and evaluation (WP3/NA2 and WP5/NA4). DKRZ will also be involved in developments with respect to data and data evaluation (WP10/JRA3 and WP9/JRA2).

Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique (CERFACS)

CERFACS, established in 1987 in Toulouse (France), is currently one of the world’s leading research institutes working on efficient algorithms for solving large-scale scientific problems. The CERFACS Climate Modelling and Global Change team conducts basic scientific research and high-level technical developments in the field of climate studies. In particular, the team develops the OASIS coupler currently used by more than 45 climate modelling groups in Europe and around the world. CERFACS activities in high performance computing encompass assembling high-resolution coupled climate based on state-of-art component models, porting and optimising them on a variety of platforms. Together with Météo-France, CERFACS is participating in CMIP6 and one of its main scientific objectives is to make significant contributions to the understanding of the world climate variability on regional to global scales and to climate impact studies at seasonal-to-decadal time scales. CERFACS is getting also involved in building new approaches to deal with large data volumes produced in climate science together with large data centres in Europe. Thanks to its strong expertise in code coupling and the central role played by the OASIS coupler in the European climate community, CERFACS was heavily involved in the set-up and realisation of the IS-ENES1 and IS-ENES2 projects as leader and co-leader of work packages. CERFACS currently participates actively in ESiWACE Centre of Excellence1 as WP2 co-leader and as leader of the HPC task force. CERFACS is also involved in several other e-infrastructure and scientific FP7 European projects: EUDAT2020 2015-2018 (Task leader), PRIMAVERA 2016-2019 (WP leader); APPLICATE 2017-2020 (participant), DARE 2018-2021 (WP & Task leader).

Tasks assigned:

will lead WP8/JRA1 on model and tool developments, in particular conducting the work on the OASIS3-MCT coupler. CERFACS will co-lead WP6/SA1 offering services on the OASIS3-MCT coupler and on the XIOS server, and WP10/JRA3 on the data service software infrastructure leading the development of the Climate4Impact platform. CERFACS will also be involved in the following work packages: WP2/NA1 on the governance and sustainability tasks; WP3/NA2 on community engagement; WP4/NA3 in particular with the performance evaluation of complex coupled systems and with the organisation of the 5th International Workshop on Coupling Technologies for Earth System Models; WP5/NA4 on coordination for data distribution and processing with other e-infrastructures.

The Met Office

The Met Office is the UK National Meteorological Service (NMS) and is one of the world’s leading providers of climate and weather-related service. The Met Office was formed in 1854 with the primary aim to research the possibilities of forecasting the weather, mainly to protect the safety of ships and their crew at sea. As well as being the first NMS, the Met Office has continued to lead the field in the development of weather and climate services. The Met Office provides essential services 24/7, 365 days a year, in many aspects of business, social and political life in the UK.

The Met Office is a Trading Fund within the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, operating on a commercial basis under set targets. We are recognised as one of the world’s most accurate forecasters, using more than 10 million weather observations a day, an advanced atmospheric model and a high performance super-computer to create 3,000 tailored forecasts and briefings a day. These are delivered to a huge range of customers from the Government, to businesses, the general public, armed forces, and other organisations.

This includes the Public Weather Service (PWS), which provides forecasts for the public to help them make informed decisions about their day-to-day activities. The National Severe Weather Warning Service is also a part of this, providing advance notice of weather which could affect public safety.

The Met Office provides the Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme which is supported by Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Their investment provides the core science on which Government can make decisions to help the UK become resilient to climate variability and change, benefit from opportunities for growth, and engage in international climate negotiations. For example, research findings from the programme help ensure cost-effective deployment of renewable energy, and a resilient future for the nation’s infrastructure. To achieve this, the Hadley Centre needs a large production facility to run complex multi-model integrations and ensembles of integrations as well as a resource for research and development. These models can run over periods of months and are time critical to meet deadlines for the customer and for the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) producing significant output that needs analysis over long periods of time.

The Met Office has a long experience in developing successful software infrastructures to support both Weather and Climate scientists and models including archive systems, user interfaces, build and configuration management systems.

Tasks assigned:

Met Office will lead WP4/NA3 (Networking on models, tools and HPC), lead Task 2 of WP4/NA3 (community Sea Ice Model), Task 3 of WP8/JRA1 (Rose and Cylc) and Task 5 of WP9/JRA2 (enhancing ESMValTool). It is also involved in WP2/NA1 working on sustainability, Task 4 of WP4/NA3 on machine-learning, Tasks 2 and 3 of WP6/SA1 (ESM support and Rose/Cylc support), Task 1 WP8/JRA1 (NEMO performance) and Task 2 WP9/JRA2 (ESMValTool improvements).

The Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC)

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) was established in 2005 and is a key element of and coordinates the Spanish Supercomputing Network, which is the main framework for granting competitive HPC time to Spanish research institutions. Furthermore, BSC-CNS is one of six hosting nodes in France, Germany, Italy and Spain that form the core of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) network. The mission of BSC is to research, develop and manage information technologies in order to facilitate scientific progress. BSC combines HPC service provision and R&D into both computer and computational science (life, earth and engineering sciences) under one roof and currently has over 450 staff from 44 countries. BSC has collaborated with industry since its creation, and participates in various bilateral joint research centers with companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, NVIDIA and Spanish oil company Repsol. The centre has been extremely active in the EC Framework Programmes and has participated in over 100 projects funded by it. BSC is a founding member of HiPEAC, the ETP4HPC and other international fora. The ES-BSC activities with the focus on global climate modelling and prediction are based on research, development and predictions with the EC-Earth climate forecast system. EC-Earth is the state-of-the art coupled climate model that is being developed and used for climate predictions and projections by the European consortium of more than 20 research and operational institutions from European Centre for Midrange weather Forecasts (ECMWF is provider of the atmospheric and land components) to ES-BSC. Beside contributing to the 5th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) critical for the UN IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), global climate research activities at ES-BSC enable provision of various historical reconstructions and initial conditions to the EC-Earth community for analysis of climate dynamics and for seasonal to decadal climate predictions. The ES-BSC is a contributor to the IS-ENES FP7 European project fostering the integration of the European climate modelling community and the development of Earth System Models (ESM) for advancing the understanding and predictions of climate variability and change. BSC is also involved in other European projects as ESiWACE, Montblanc or PRIMAVERA. The ES-BSC is already active in the planning and design of the future coupled climate model intercomparison project, CMIP6, and is preparing to make key contributions including the groundbreaking high-resolution climate simulations with EC-Earth.

Tasks assigned:

BSC will co-lead WP4/NA3 on HPC networking and WP9/JRA2 on model evaluation. BSC will also be involved in data (WP5/NA4 and WP10/JRA3) and models (WP7/SA2 and WP10/JRA3) with additional representation in other WPs.

Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)

The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) is the Dutch national weather service. It is an agency of the Ministry Infrastructure and Water management. Primary tasks are weather forecasting and the monitoring of weather, climate, air quality and seismic activity. KNMI is the national research and information centre for meteorology, climate, air quality, and seismology.

KNMI focuses on monitoring and warning for risks with an atmospheric or seismic origin. In addition, KNMI offers advice and strategy prospects for both acute and future dangers. We strive to make our high-quality knowledge and information in the area of weather, climate, and seismology operationally available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, we continuously extend and deepen this knowledge in cooperation with research institutes, universities and businesses. As a scientific institute, KNMI contributes to the international climate research and contributes to the process and reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

KNMI has a long record of activities related to climate services, both on the national as well as the European to global scale. It has been involved in several EU-funded projects, which provide users (policy makers, the scientific community, commercial partners) with tailored science-based assessments through our Climate Services activities as well as detailed state-of-the-art datasets. It provides these assessments and datasets using sustained and operational IT based services (ECA&D, Climate Explorer (, Data Center (, IS-ENES ( KNMI has a long tradition in climate modelling and providing access to climate model output and has been involved in several projects of some with directly relevance to IS-ENES3.

Tasks assigned:

KNMI will co-lead WP3/NA2 on community and WP7/SA2 on Data. KNMI will also be highly involved in data and metadata community, services and development (WP5/NA4, WP7/NA2, WP10/JRA3) on climate4impact development and Computation for CMIP6 and CORDEX. KNMI also supports model evaluation (JRA2/WP9) by contributing its knowledge on observations.

Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC)

The CMCC is a non-profit research institution. CMCC’s mission is to investigate and model our climate system and its interactions with society to provide reliable, rigorous, and timely scientific results, which will in turn stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop science driven adaptation and mitigation policies in a changing climate. CMCC collaborates with experienced scientists, economists, and technicians, which work together in order to provide full analyses of climate impacts on various systems such as agriculture, ecosystems, coasts, water resources, health, and economics. CMCC also supports policymakers in setting and assessing costs, mitigation, and adaptation policies. CMCC benefits from the extensive applied research experience of its members and institutional partners: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV); Università del Salento; Centro Italiano di Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA S.c.p.a.); Università Ca’Foscari Venezia; Università di Sassari, Università della Tuscia, Politecnico di Milano. CMCC research activities are distributed among eight research divisions that share different knowledge and skills in the field of climate science: Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division; Climate Simulation and Prediction (CSP) Division; Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy (ECIP) Division; Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services (IAFES) Division; Ocean modeling and Data Assimilation (ODA) Division; Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) Division; Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies (RAAS) Division; Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REHMI) Division. CMCC acquired portfolio of research projects includes 250 funded projects: 37 funded projects in FP6 and FP7, 37 funded projects in H2020 and 176 funded projects under other EU and international research grants. In about a half of the implemented projects, CMCC acted as the coordinator. For further information on CMCC please see Annual Reports and CMCC Strategic Plan (

Tasks assigned:

CMCC will contribute to WP3/NA2 on community, WP4/NA3 on networking on models and WP5/NA4 on networking on data. CMCC will also be involved in data and metadata service (WP7/SA2), and co-lead both models & tools developments (WP8/JRA1) and data & metadata developments (WP10/JRA3). Finally, CMCC will also contribute on model evaluation (WP9/JRA2).

United Kingdom of Research and Innovation (UKRI)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the UK’s national funding agency investing in science and research. Operating across the whole of the UK with a combined budget of more than £6 billion, UKRI is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. The two teams from UKRI involved in IS-ENES3 are in the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) division and the High Performance Software Engineering Group. Both these teams are in the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), one of seven research councils in UKRI. STFC runs research funding programmes and also operates National Laboratories which provide research facilities and capabilities that, because of their scale, complexity, strategic character or cost, are appropriately operated as a national research resource. The primary mission of the laboratories is to facilitate national research capability in ways which complement and support the university research base. CEDA situated in the RAL Space department, provides environmental data services for another UKRI research council: The two teams from UKRI involved in IS-ENES3 are in the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) division and the High Performance Software Engineering Group. Both these teams are in the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), one of seven research councils in UKRI. The services are divided between the environmental data archive and the JASMIN high performance data analysis facility. CEDA works closely with University research scientists, particularly with the researchers of the National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, and with the UK Met Office, to maintain a comprehensive archive and an extensive range of services. In the last 5 years the JASMIN facility has transformed the use and exploitation of climate data in the UK. At the end of 2017, the facility hosts 6Pb of CEDA archive data on high speed disk and also provides a further 14Pb for use by users, who have access to substantial computing resources enabling flexible processing of the archive and their own data products. The start of 2018 will see the total capacity expanded to 44Pb. The current archive includes large volumes of both climate model simulations and satellite observations, as well as thousands of smaller data collections. A substantial expansion of the facility is under way, which will make it possible to allocate an additional 5Pb of disk for the CMIP6 archive. The High Performance Software Engineering Group is located in the Hartree centre.

Tasks assigned:

UKRI will contribute to several areas of data service development, and will also be involved in development work for the OASIS coupling system (WP8). The data service work includes work on vocabularies and standards (WP3, WP7, WP10), on climate model documentation (WP6, WP11), providing data services for replication, access and processing of climate model archives (WP7), and development work on data services, standards management and climate model documentation systems (WP10).

Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI)

SMHI is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Environment. SMHI offers products and services that provide organisations with important environmental information to support decision-making. The main fields include weather and climate forecasts/projections, industry-specific services, simulations and analyses. SMHI has a strong R&D focus. With climate research involving all of six research sections, including the Rossby Centre that is responsible for the development and application of regional and global climate models. In particular the Rossby Centre is active in the development of ECEarth, being responsible for the development and release of the most recent generation, EC-Earth 3. The Rossby Centre also has extensive experience in the development and application of advanced regional climate models.

Taks assigned:

In WP3/NA2 SMHI will organise a technical workshop on meta-data for climate indices and otherwise contribute to networking activities. SMHI will co-lead WP5/NA4, WP6/SA1 and provide the services for EC-Earth, one of the ESMs covered by the work package. In WP7/SA2 SMHI will provide support services to the international CORDEX community, contribute to the development of ESMValTool in WP9/JRA2 and develop tools for managing data requests for climate indices and related metadata in WP10/JRA3.

Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft- und Raumfahrt in der Helmholtz Gemeinschaft (DLR)

DLR is the German national research establishment for aeronautics, astronautics, and energy technology within the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft der Forschungszentren (HGF). In IS-ENES3, DLR is represented by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (DLR-IPA). DLR-IPA has long-term experience in several research areas that are of relevance for IS-ENES3, in particular global Earth system modelling and evaluation, the analysis of multi-model ozone and climate projections, in situ air-borne measurements, and processing and analysis of satellite data. DLR-IPA is the PI of the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool, that is developed in collaboration with other partners. The modelling group at DLR-IPA develops the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model in collaboration with other partners and supports international activities such as the CMIP with simulations that serve as a basis for ozone and climate assessments. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Panel is currently chaired by DLR-IPA.

Tasks assigned:

DLR-IPA will lead WP9/JRA2 on Earth System Model Evaluation. DLR-IPA will also be involved in the definition of community standards and a a community survey on model evaluation (WP3/NA2/Community and WP5/NA4: Data and Evaluation) and on services for European infrastructure tools around the ESMValTool (WP6/SA1: Models and WP7/SA2: Data).

Stichting Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC)

The Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) is the national hub for the development and application of domain overarching software and methods for the scientific community. The eScience Center is a permanent research institute, funded by the Dutch national research council (NWO) and the Dutch organisation for ICT in education and research (SURF). Each year, NLeSC publishes several calls for research proposals to fund new projects and balances its effort among all research disciplines. NLeSC has an annual budget of between 3-4M€ to fund collaborative research projects with Dutch academia. These projects are provided with both in-cash and in-kind funding. The in-cash part is used to hire a PhD student or Postdoc at the PI’s organization. The in-kind part consists of eScience Research Engineers, employed by the NLeSC. Together, they form a project team that will work on the collaborative research project. The eScience Research Engineers are researchers that typically hold a PhD, and have expertise on state-of-the-art computational technologies, as well as a keen interest in developing of research software. NLeSC is involved in more than 90 collaborative research projects, spanning many different research disciplines and application domains, of which 11 currently projects are in the Climate Sciences.

Tasks assigned:

NLeSC will be involved in multiple aspects of model evaluation in the form of standards (WP5/NA4), support services (WP6/SA1) compute services (WP7/SA2) and development (WP9/JRA2).

Universidad de Cantabria (UC)

Universidad de Cantabria is a modern public institution whose main purpose is to contribute to social progress through teaching and scientific excellence. It consists of around 1,600 researchers and 13,500 students (out of which 653 are PhD students), 3 research centres (joint initiatives with the Spanish Research Council CSIC), 4 associated research institutes, and 157 R&D groups from 32 departments. Moreover, UC is one of the 9 Spanish universities selected in the “Campus of International Excellence” Programme, promoted in 2009 by the Spanish Government. UC is equipped with a modern infrastructure for data and IT management, logistics and general services. UC participated in 49 FP7 and is currently managing around 3 Million € in new H2020 projects every year. In addition, UC actively participates and coordinates 22 projects in other European funding schemes, such as LIFE+ (3), INTERREG (5), INFRAVATION (2) and RFCS (3). Regarding the present proposal, UC has leading research groups at European and International level in environmental sciences, including climate science (the UC Meteorology Group).

The UC Meteorology Group (UC-MG, is formed by 15 researchers and conducts research on various topics related to regional climate modelling (including dynamical and statistical downscaling methods) and information technologies applied to data and metadata processing (including user community portals and services for data access and post-processing). In particular, this group is specialized in data/metadata management, statistical and dynamical (WRF) downscaling and applications in different impact sectors (tourism, forest fires, health, critical infrastructures, energy). UC-MG is currently involved in several EU-funded projects, such as IS-ENES2, EUPORIAS, SPECS and INTACT and is actively involved in international initiatives, such as CORDEX, VALUE and ENES. It is also involved in the COPERNICUS C3S tender QA4Seas for seasonal forecast evaluation, responsible of the task related to bias corrected and downscaled products. The group has also an agreement with FAO-ONU to provide tools, consulting and capacity development services for different food security initiatives developed worldwide. In the framework of these activities, the group has developed public user tools for accessing climate information (e.g. ECOMS-UDG; and to perform statistical downscaling (ENSEMBLES Downscaling Portal, which has been recently integrated in IS-ENES Climete4Impact:

Tasks assigned:

In IS-ENES3, UC will be involved in data service development (WP10/JRA3), community engagement (WP3/NA2) and governance and sustainability (WP2/NA1).

Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Met Norway)

Met Norway is the national meteorological service in Norway. In addition to national and aviation weather forecasting, and climate monitoring for Norway and adjacent sea areas, the institute represents Norway in ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET, WMO and other international fora, and takes part in national and international research projects (e.g. EU) on climate, atmospheric and marine research, and air pollution. The number of employees is around. 400, with nearly 100 scientists doing research relevant for weather prediction, ocean and sea ice, climate, air pollution, instrumentation, and remote sensing. Met Norway has extensive experience in operational applications for innovation and added value in private and public sectors.

Met Norway is together with the universities in Oslo and Bergen the main developer of the Norwegian Earth System model NorESM, providing results for CMIP and IPCC. The scientific contributions particularly emphasize the interactions between aerosols, clouds, atmospheric composition, climate dynamics, variability, and change. Results were delivered to CMIP5 based on NorESM1. Final preparations for the new NorESM2 to be used for CMIP6 are underway.

Tasks assigned:

Met Norway will be involved in WP9/JRA2 on model evaluation using the knowledge and measurements in the AeroCom project and WP6/SA1 by providing service functions for NorESM.

Météo France - Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (MF-CNRM)

MF-CNRM is a research center affiliated to CNRS and Météo-France (the French national weather service). Primarily oriented towards the needs of public utility in the domain of meteorology, CNRM’s research actions encompass the atmosphere, extending to, and including, closely related fields such as climate, stratospheric ozone chemistry, upper ocean, physics and dynamics of the snow cover, surface hydrology etc.

To carry out its missions, CNRM hosts approximately 230 permanent positions (one third being research scientists) and 60 students and visitors, working in specialised departments. The department of CNRM that is involved in IS-ENES3 is the Large Scale and Climate Meteorology Department (GMGEC). The main research activities of GMGEC are climate modelling and simulation at global and regional scales, climate variability including detection and attribution of climate change, climate change impacts, atmospheric chemistry including air quality and ocean-air interactions. GMGEC has participated in phases 3 and 5 of CMIP and is currently contributing to CMIP6 with its coupled climate system model CNRM-CM6 and Earth system model CNRM-ESM. It currently participates in IS-ENES2, CRESCENDO, APPLICATE, EUCP european projects.

Tasks assigned:

As a participant to the NEMO Sea Ice Working Group (SIWG), CNRM will be involved in WP4/NA3, contributing to building the scientific community using and developing NEMO’s new sea ice model SI.

University of Manchester (UNIMAN)

The University of Manchester is one of the top research-led universities and can lay claim to 25 Nobel Prize winners amongst its current and former staff and students, including 4 current Nobel laureates. The School of Computer Science plays important roles in the two EU FET flagship projects (Graphene and Human Brain Project) and collaborates with the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) experiment headquartered in the university’s Jodrell Bank Observatory.

The school also has a long and distinguished research record, including the development of the first stored program computer the late ‘40s, and the development of virtual memory among a range of innovations in the Atlas computer in the early ‘60s (the UK first supercomputer). The school retains strong activities in computer systems and engineering (indeed, graphene, the discovery of which led to the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010, was first observed using a microscope in our engineering and nanotechnology labs). The Advanced Processor Technologies group (APT) continues the excellent record in high performance lowpower computer systems, and encompasses a range of research activities addressing the formidable complexity of both software and hardware for the many-core systems of the future. The APT group brings together more than 60 researchers (faculty, fellows, PhD students) and is one of the few centers of excellence able to design complex silicon as demonstrated by SpiNNaker; a one million ARM cores massively parallel architecture. APT has helped the EU competitive position with commercialization examples such as the ICL Goldrush Database server, Amulet processors (Low-power architectures) bought by ARM Ltd., Transitive Corporation (Virtualization and Binary Translation) bought by IBM and Silistix Ltd (Networks-on-Chip).

Tasks assigned:

In WP4, UNIMAN will lead Task 4 on Machine Learning and Technology Tracking and Task 6 Innovating with software and HPC industry.

National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR-D)

National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD) is the largest Greek self-governing research organisation under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Government. NCSRD will participate with the Software and Knowledge Engineering Lab (SKEL, of its Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT). SKEL has participated in and coordinated numerous national and European projects (H2020, FP7, bilateral) and has very substantial expertise in the areas of big data management, content analysis, e-infrastructure, personalization and human-machine interaction. Additionally, SKEL is very active within the standardization processes of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) where SKEL researchers contributed to several Working Groups.

Tasks assigned:

NCSRD participates in WP3, Task 4 “Machine learning and technology tracking”, where it will build on its big data, analytics and e-infrastructures experience to provide ways to climate experts to exploit current technological trends in machine learning in order to improve their models and gain statistical insights from their data. It will also participate in WP4, where as part of Task 2 it will help to organise a School of Climate Data Science bringing together climate and computer scientists, emphasizing the need of collaboration between them, and helping early career scientists with different backgrounds to meet and network.

Stichting Wageningen Research, Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR)

Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR, previously Alterra, is a leading European research and development organisation offering a combination of practical, innovative and interdisciplinary scientific research across many disciplines related to sustainable use of the living environment. WENR offers a combination of practical and scientific research in a multitude of disciplines, and has a long-standing experience in climate change modelling (we have four Nobel Prize laureates), sustainable agriculture, crop monitoring and the use of remote sensing and GIS. WENR has been involved in a large number of national and international projects directly relevant to user requirements in Copernicus Climate Services.

WENR has all facilities required to execute this work, in terms of stakeholder involvement, knowledge brokering and the science-policy-society interface. We have a wide range of experience in working in complex projects; professional support staff for project management, and administrative accounting. WENR is certified under ISO 9001:2008 for our Quality Management System as well as for our environmental management system conforming ISO 14001:2004. An internal auditing system is established to verify if applied quality activities comply with the agreed quality system and contribute to the quality objectives.

Tasks assigned:

WENR will be involved in WP3/NA2 on community.

Charles University (CUNI)

Charles University (CUNI) founded in 1348 is one of the oldest universities in Europe and nowadays belongs to the most eminent educational and scientific establishments in the Czech Republic. It is public a university, represented for this project by the Department of Atmospheric Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. The department provides training to students in subject field of meteorology and climatology in all degree programmes – bachelor, master and doctorate. In addition to training of experts in the field of atmospheric physics, the department contributes significantly to research focused on the weather, climate system and air quality. One of the main objectives of CUNI in the field of climate is to understand climate variability and climate change as well as its impacts, both of natural and anthropogenic origin, with emphasis to the regional scales using dynamical downscaling of CMIP global data with RegCM

and WRF models. In this direction we participate in CORDEX activity, namely EuroCORDEX, we coordinated FP6 project CECILIA on climate change impacts modelling using RCMs for Central Europe, we participated in other FP6 projects ENSEMBLES and QUANTIFY as well as in FP7 project MEGAPOLI with application of RCM downscaling. We were in connection to the IS-ENES phases 1 projects. Within our activities we worked with ESGF both downloading the data for further analysis or downscaling, and preparing our EuroCORDEX results for uploading to the system.

Tasks assigned:

CUNI will participate in WP3/NA2 contributing to the networking and outreach of data handling and maintenance at ESGF as well as of practices in CMIP data use, with emphasis on Central Europe region.

Faculty of Physics of the University of Belgrade (FPUB)

The Faculty of Physics (FP) is the national oldest and leading educational and research institution in the field of physical science in Serbia. Faculty of Physics, is a legally independent public institution but under the responsibility of the University of Belgrade (UB) and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Faculty is a part of the University, together with other 31 faculties, many institutes, centres and libraries. FP is composed of two institutes, Institute of Physics and Institute of Meteorology. Total number of employees on Faculty of Physics is 134, of which 57 professors and assistants and 25 scientific researchers. Main research objectives of the Institute of Meteorology are in the fields of meteorology and climatology, and majority of research is related to the numerical modelling of the geophysical processes, from numerical weather prediction (NWP) to climate scales. Research in area of numerical modelling started in the beginning of 1970’s. In that period Institute of Meteorology together with Federal hydrometeorological institute (of ex Yugoslavia) starts to develop numerical weather prediction model, which become known as Eta model, and which in 1990’s became operational model for NWP in NOAA/NCEP in the US. Today, research related to climate modelling, within Institute, relies on the development of the coupled regional climate model EBU-POM (combination of Eta model and Princeton Ocean Model), which participates to the Med-CORDEX initiative. Researchers from Institute of meteorology currently participate in two EU H2020 projects, ClimatEurope and Geo-Cradle project (as third party), and in two international initiatives, Med-CORDEX initiative and Pannex - Pannonia basin Regional Hydroclimate Project of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project (GEWEX). Institute of Meteorology during last several years participated/contributed to many national relevant climate related projects, but also in preparation of national policy relevant documents such as, national communications to the UNFCC (for several countries in the region) and Adaptation action plan for the City of Belgrade.

Tasks assigned:

FPUB will be involved in WP3/NA2 contributing in organization of short events and webinars that will be organized to reach new user groups especially within Eastern Europe. Also, FPUB will contribute in special workshop on climate indices requirements for end users in eastern Europe.

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE)

NORCE was established in 2017 in a merger of the Norwegian research institutes Agderforskning AS, Uni Research AS, Teknova AS, International Research Institute of Stavanger AS and Christian Michelsen Research AS. From 1.10.18 the full merger of the subsidiary institutes tool place and employees were transferred to NORCE. NORCE has about 800 employees with an annual turnover of 1 billion NOK. The head office is in Bergen, Norway with branch offices in Stavanger, Kristiansand, Grimstad and Oslo. NORCE aims to be a leading research institute with focus on research and innovation within climate, energy, health, environment, society and technology. NORCE runs its climate research through the department NORCE Climate and has particular strengths in understanding climate dynamics across multiple spatial and temporal scales, dynamical modelling of the climate system and understanding past-future climate variability and change. NORCE Climate has extensive experience coordinating and leading large national and international projects. NORCE Climate is also one of four partners in the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR). The BCCR is the largest climate research centre in the Nordic countries with a focus on the natural science aspects of climate change and established expertise in complex research projects (e.g. BCCR Centre of Excellence; EVA, the national Norwegian Earth System Modelling project). NORCE Climate has a leading role in Norway for the use and further development of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), with expertise in global climate, atmosphere and ocean modelling, decadal prediction, regional downscaling and climate dynamics. NORCE Climate played an instrumental role in delivering future earth system model (ESM) experiments to the CMIP5 project with a similar role in the next phase, CMIP6. NORCE Climate is coordinating the Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling (INES), starting 2018, that will upgrade NorESM for participation in CMIP7 and provide services related to the use of the model and data sharing.

Tasks assigned:

NORCE will contribute with level 2 services related to NorESM in WP6/VA1 and improved ESMValTool support for ocean data on original grids in WP9/JRA2.

Linköpings Universitet (LiU)

The National Supercomputer Centre in Sweden (NSC) provides leading edge high performance computing resources, storage solutions and support to users throughout Sweden. NSC is an independent center within Linköping University and is primarily funded by the Swedish Research Council via SNIC (Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing). NSC also has two partner collaborations with SAAB (the aerospace and defense company) and SMHI (the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute). NSC’s partnership with SMHI dates back to 1996. Activities within this partnership include hardware procurement, cluster operations and usage support, development and operation of storage solutions and development and deployment of data publishing services. Since 1997, NSC has taken primary responsibility on behalf of SMHI for procuring, hosting, and operating the Swedish hpc infrstructure required for NWP operations as well as their research and development. From 2013, this NWP activity has grown with NSCs inclusion in the MetCoOp project, a joint effort between SMHI and MET Norway to develop a common operational high-resolution NWP system with ensemble predictions.